Designing Systems, Reports and Workflows

We work consultatively to understand how you utilize data and reports and see what your frustrations are. We then propose a mix of database, reporting and process changes that address these problems. 

Building Customized Databases

We can build a database from scratch, migrate one from programs like Access or add-on to an existing one using Microsoft SQL Server. 

Creating Screens & Excel Reports to View Data 

We can create a website where you can access and maintain your information.  We can also provide you with templates in Excel so that you can generate a pre-formatted report with the click of a button. 



If you don’t have servers in house, we can host your data in our Custom CRM product.  Call us to learn more.

Support & Training

We are available to advise, maintain, support and train our clients on systems we develop. We can also assist with other Microsoft-based packages like Excel, Access and Word.

Connecting the Dots

We can help you pull all your data together in a single view with imports and custom dashboards.